Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Fearless: Imagine Your Life Without Fear

Fear, we are driven by it every day of our lives. We fear we might lose our jobs, or that the economy is failing. We fear we might get sick or a loved one might get sick. There are many more things that we fear. What do you do when you are caught up in fear? Do you turn to God for your answers?
Fearless by Max Lucado asks: What if faith, not fear, was your default reaction to threats? Can you imagine your life without fear? As you read this book, Max shows you biblically how to walk in faith and not fear.
There has always been fear in my life and through reading Fearless I was shown a reaction in faith is much easier than a reaction in fear. Max teaches the difference between a Fear of the Lord and fear in this world that we live.
So what is it you fear? If you are struggling with fear I recommend reading this book. You will take a journey as you release your fear and replace it with Faith in Jesus and that He is in control of your life. We are not meant to live our lives in fear and Max Lucado shows us how not too, in his book, Fearless.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Nelson's Complete Book of Bible Maps and Charts, 3rd Edition

Nelson’s Complete Book of Bible Maps and Charts, 3rd Edition is a great resource for anyone who is studying the Bible. The layout is easy to follow and the book is an easy read.

Have you ever wondered who wrote a book in the Bible? Or when it was written? The Complete Book of Bible Maps and Charts is the resource for you. This book is split up by testaments, historical sections (Pentateuch, Gospels, etc.), and individual books giving you an easy way to find the information you are after. There is a brief synopsis of the book you are reading, notes about the author and any variations, and a look at the time that the book was written.

After you are introduced to the book, there are timelines, charts, maps and an outline of the book you are studying. There is also a website where the maps can be downloaded to help in presentations or in personal study.

Overall, this is an excellent resource for anyone studying the Bible. You can learn more about the book you are reading and the charts, maps, and other aids are right there. I will recommend this book every chance that I get.